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Thanks to all who participated in the Hoppy Halloween Challenge.

There were 512 entries judged and 436 registered participants, judges, and stewards.

Best of Show Winners

Best of Show – Beer

PlaceBrewerEntry NameStyleClub
1stBob Lever
Co-Brewer: Rick Brandvold
Wynona's Beaver13C: English PorterPrairie Homebrewing Companions

Best of Show – Mead/Cider

PlaceBrewerEntry NameStyleClub
1stThomas CoburnReally Sir That's Red PaintM2D: Stone Fruit MeadSt Paul Home Brewers

Winning Entries

Table 1: Table 1 - Light Lager (23 entries)

1stJesse LottToo Cold To Hold 4B: FestbierBrew Tang Clan
2ndAndrew WeaverNo, I Don't Want To Hold Your Beer.1A: American Light Lager
3rdRyan StackFestbier4B: FestbierCloudy Town Brewers

Table 2: Table 2 - Pilsner (7 entries)

1stEric MartinStodola3A: Czech Pale LagerKansas City Bier Meisters
2ndPeter Polczynski3 Pillocks In A Pear Tree5D: German PilsFellowship Of Oklahoma Alemakers
3rdRyan StackCzech Pilsner3B: Czech Premium Pale LagerCloudy Town Brewers

Table 3: Table 3 - European Amber Lager (23 entries)

1stAaron OrwickSchulztoberfest6A: Marzen
2ndShane KammererWhen Will You Realize Vienna Waits For You7A: Vienna LagerKansas City Bier Meisters
3rdJamye & Cody NaramoreWar Eagle!6A: MarzenKansas City Bier Meisters

Table 4: Table 4 - Dark Lager (9 entries)

1stTravis LottDunkel Duck 8A: Munich DunkelBrew Tang Clan
2ndMike & Stephanie ButlerCzech Me Out3D: Czech Dark LagerKansas City Bier Meisters
3rdTravis LottJedi Mind Tricks Or Treat 2C: International Dark LagerBrew Tang Clan
HMRyan StackCzech Dark Lager3D: Czech Dark LagerCloudy Town Brewers

Table 5: Table 5 - Bock (20 entries)

1stJason HuckEis, Eis, Baby, Too Cold, Too Cold9B: EisbockPrairie Homebrewing Companions
2ndJeff MuseInstigator9A: DoppelbockSt. Louis Brews
3rdAndrew FrilingPlan-O Dunkel6C: Dunkels BockJohnson County Brewing Society

Table 6: Table 6 - Light Hybrid Beer (14 entries)

1stJason HuckAj Cream Ale1C: Cream AlePrairie Homebrewing Companions
2ndNicholas BenoitPacifica Blonde Ale18A: Blonde Ale
3rdJesse LottC.R.E.A.M.1C: Cream AleBrew Tang Clan

Table 7: Table 7 - Amber Hybrid Beer (10 entries)

1stJamye & Cody NaramoreRebel Without A Clue2B: International Amber LagerKansas City Bier Meisters
2ndJeremy Goehring
Co-Brewer: Dustin Deisher
Alt Life7B: AltbierLincoln Lagers
3rdCody CannonAltbier7B: AltbierFellowship of Oklahoma Ale Makers (FOAM) [OK]

Table 8: Table 8 - English Pale Ale (17 entries)

1stFrank T Mitchell
Co-Brewer: Ryan Pfannenstiel
Keeweepee PRX5: New Zealand PilsnerFormation Brewing Co
2ndDarren VaughnOrdinary Bitter11A: Ordinary BitterFellowship of Oklahoma Ale Makers (FOAM) [OK]
3rdDarren VaughnBest Bitter11B: Best BitterFellowship of Oklahoma Ale Makers (FOAM) [OK]

Table 9: Table 9 - Scottish and Irish Ale (8 entries)

1stJon Lewis
Co-Brewer: Tyler Mangin
Better Wee Than Heavy That's What Karl Says17C: Wee HeavyPrairie Homebrewing Companions
2ndDyon HarperLil' Scot14A: Scottish LightKansas City Bier Meisters
3rdJamye & Cody NaramoreLucky 1314C: Scottish ExportKansas City Bier Meisters

Table 10: Table 10 - American Ale (21 entries)

1stRyan StackAmerican Brown19C: American Brown AleCloudy Town Brewers
2ndTom Roan
Co-Brewer: Nancy Bowser
Horns Up18B: American Pale AlePrairie Homebrewing Companions
3rdDustin Detar
Co-Brewer: Jon Caro
American Pale Ale18B: American Pale AlePrairie Homebrewing Companions

Table 11: Table 11 - English Brown and Mild (6 entries)

1stMike & Stephanie ButlerDark Wild13A: Dark MildKansas City Bier Meisters
2ndJoshua BoldtTo Honor & Riches & Girls With No Britches13A: Dark MildJefferson County Home Brewers
3rdRob MountsBbk13B: English Brown Ale

Table 12: Table 12 - Porter (22 entries)

1stBob Lever
Co-Brewer: Rick Brandvold
Wynona's Beaver13C: English PorterPrairie Homebrewing Companions
2ndJason Huck
Co-Brewer: Tom Roan & Nancy Bowser
Cow Magnet9C: Baltic PorterPrairie Homebrewing Companions
3rdEric Hegna
Co-Brewer: Andrew Hegna
Porter20A: American Porter

Table 13: Table 13 - Stout (26 entries)

1stBrian BurkeStout20B: American StoutThree Crackers And A Rican
2ndJamye & Cody NaramoreBreakfast Of Champions16A: Sweet StoutKansas City Bier Meisters
3rdRyan StackImperial Stout20C: Imperial StoutCloudy Town Brewers

Table 14: Table 14 - American and Double IPA (22 entries)

1stMark BoothThe Wingman21A: American IPASouth Side Barley Crushers
2ndAndrew KjosIowa IPA21A: American IPAIowa Brewers Union [Des Moines, IA]
3rdTom Roan
Co-Brewer: Nancy Bowser
Tomahawk21A: American IPAPrairie Homebrewing Companions

Table 15: Table 15 - Other IPA (14 entries)

1stMike & Stephanie ButlerHazy Veil Ale21B7: New England IPAKansas City Bier Meisters
2ndDustin Detar
Co-Brewer: Jon Caro
Brexit Tears12C: English IPAPrairie Homebrewing Companions
3rdJeff MuseFrugality21B4: Red IPASt. Louis Brews

Table 16: Table 16 - German Wheat and Rye (15 entries)

1stMac ButcherWeiss As A Sheet10A: WeissbierFellowship of Oklahoma Alemakers (FOAM)
2ndMike & Stephanie ButlerRyezenbock10C: WeizenbockKansas City Bier Meisters
3rdMike OukeBockwheat X 210C: WeizenbockBoreal Brewers

Table 17: Table 17 - Belgian and French Ale (24 entries)

1stJesse LottToo Hot To Handle25B: SaisonBrew Tang Clan
2ndCorbin RappDry Hopped Saison25B: SaisonPrairie Homebrewing Companions
3rdEric MartinPale24B: Belgian Pale AleKansas City Bier Meisters

Table 18: Table 18 - Sour Ale (20 entries)

1stAaron Orwick9:36 Sunset Sour28B: Mixed Fermentation Sour Beer
2ndCorbin RappBlueberry Sour Redux28C: Wild Specialty BeerPrairie Homebrewing Companions
3rdEric SmithBa Brett Saison With Raspberries 28C: Wild Specialty BeerStl brews

Table 19: Table 19 - Belgian Strong Ale (25 entries)

1stTom Roan
Co-Brewer: Nancy Bowser
1226D: Belgian Dark Strong AlePrairie Homebrewing Companions
2ndJon Lewis
Co-Brewer: Tyler Mangin
Sinster Golden25C: Belgian Golden Strong AlePrairie Homebrewing Companions
3rdJamye & Cody NaramoreHello Darkness My Old Friend26D: Belgian Dark Strong AleKansas City Bier Meisters

Table 20: Table 20 - Strong Ale (16 entries)

1stDelano SteinOld Number 517D: English Barleywine
2ndDarren VaughnSanta 's Helper17B: Old AleFellowship of Oklahoma Ale Makers (FOAM) [OK]
3rdPreston DolingerGuarded British Strong Ale17A: British Strong AlePinellas Urban Brewers Guild

Table 21: Table 21 - Fruit Beer (15 entries)

1stPreston DolingerNeapolitan Stout29C: Speciality Fruit BeerPinellas Urban Brewers Guild
2ndJon Lewis
Co-Brewer: Tyler Mangin
Gin & JuicePRX4: Catharina SourPrairie Homebrewing Companions
3rdNick ShadelShay Dfpf29A: Fruit BeerBerks County Homebrew Club

Table 22: Table 22 - Spice/Herb/Vegetable Beer (17 entries)

1stGary ElliottRhubarb Gose30A: Spice, Herb, or Vegetable BeerFellowship of Oklahoma Ale Makers (FOAM) [OK]
2ndMark Pennick
Co-Brewer: "Spot Me, Mexico Will Pay!"
Tremendous Wall Green Chili Agave Wheat30A: Spice, Herb, or Vegetable BeerBrew Crew [CO]
3rdRyan Pfannenstiel
Co-Brewer: Frank T Mitchell
Saban Spit30A: Spice, Herb, or Vegetable BeerFormation Brewing Company

Table 23: Table 23 - Smoke Flavored/Wood Aged Beer (20 entries)

1stJon Lewis
Co-Brewer: Tyler Mangin
Woody's Last Dance33B: Specialty Wood-Aged BeerPrairie Homebrewing Companions
2ndMike & Stephanie ButlerBarrel Project 2.033B: Specialty Wood-Aged BeerKansas City Bier Meisters
3rdAndrew WeaverSmokey 6B: Rauchbier
HMTravis Lott
Co-Brewer: Mike Milne, Ryan Regan, Jesse Lott, Akash Batra
All In Together Now6B: RauchbierBrew Tang Clan

Table 24: Table 24 - Specialty Beer (26 entries)

1stJon Lewis
Co-Brewer: Tyler Mangin
Polski Szampan27A2: Piwo GrodziskiePrairie Homebrewing Companions
2ndTom Roan
Co-Brewer: Nancy Bowser
Red Ninja34C: Experimental BeerPrairie Homebrewing Companions
3rdPreston DolingerFrench Toast Brown Ale34C: Experimental BeerPinellas Urban Brewers Guild

Table 25: Table 25 - Traditional Mead (7 entries)

1stScott KurtzDesert GoldM1C: Sweet MeadSt. Louis Brews/STL Brewminati
2ndJeremy Goehring
Co-Brewer: Dustin Deisher
Jiggly Puff And StuffM1C: Sweet MeadLincoln Lagers
3rdMac ButcherMesquito BiteM1C: Sweet MeadFellowship of Oklahoma Alemakers (FOAM)

Table 26: Table 26 - Fruit Mead (22 entries)

1stThomas CoburnReally Sir That's Red PaintM2D: Stone Fruit MeadSt Paul Home Brewers
2ndRyan SchenianWake Up DeadM2C: Berry MeadPrimary Fermenters
3rdChristopher SkottegardA Bloody MessM2E: MelomelSouth Side Barley Crushers

Table 27: Table 27 - Spice and Specialty Mead (14 entries)

1stKevin WojdakFar East FlairM3B: Spice, Herb, or Vegetable MeadUrban Knaves of Grain (UKG)
2ndMac ButcherChiles Up My Spine!M3B: Spice, Herb, or Vegetable MeadFellowship of Oklahoma Alemakers (FOAM)
3rdJon Lewis
Co-Brewer: Tyler Mangin
Karl's Great Fireball's!M3B: Spice, Herb, or Vegetable MeadPrairie Homebrewing Companions

Table 28: Table 28 - Standard Cider and Perry (8 entries)

1stDustin Detar
Co-Brewer: Derek Olson, Markus Krueger
DeiciderC1A: New World CiderPrairie Homebrewing Companions
2ndEric SmithCiderC1A: New World CiderStl brews
3rdShane KammererIt's No Wilcox, But It's OkayC1A: New World CiderKansas City Bier Meisters

Table 29: Table 29 - Specialty Cider and Perry (18 entries)

1stPreston DolingerYou're My Boy Blue!C2B: Cider with Other FruitPinellas Urban Brewers Guild
2ndNick ShadelShady's Cherry CiderC2B: Cider with Other FruitBerks County Homebrew Club
3rdNick ShadelEat That Peach - Stonefruit CiderC2B: Cider with Other FruitBerks County Homebrew Club
HMKevin WagnerThunder Bunker CiderC2B: Cider with Other FruitKansas City Bier Meisters